Does my student or myself have to be a member of VPC to participate in youth programs?

Nope! We welcome students of any religious (or non-religious!) background at all of our events and activities. You do not have to be a member of VPC to attend. Additionally, both members and non-members pay the same price to attend trips and events that require payment.

We’re new to Village Church. What should my student come to first?

Welcome! We’re excited you’re interested in Youth life at Village. You are invited to attend any events regardless of prior experience. However, some of our programs are specifically designed to be easy access points for newcomers. Youth Group (GPS for middle school on Wednesday nights, and SNL for high school on Sunday nights) is a great first step. For middle school students, Lofternoons (our after-school program on Tuesdays) is also a great intro to our youth programming. Come hang out, eat some food, and get to know some fellow KC youth. All of our upcoming program times and dates can be found on our calendar page. If your student would be more comfortable getting to know us before coming to a program or event, email and one of our youth directors will be happy to set up a time to grab coffee or food with them.

Is there a cost for programs?

Absolutely not! None of our weekly programs have a cost to attend (and no signup is necessary—just show up!). The only events that have a fee are trips (and some special events, like ice skating or a day at Worlds of Fun).

We can’t afford the cost of an event, but I’d still love my student to go. What are my options?

We offer scholarships for students on a case-by-case basis for trips and events that are focused on spiritual growth and/or are service-based. Please email Zach Walker at to inquire about scholarships for your student. Our goal is for every student who wants to participate to have the opportunity to do so!

My student is part of the LGBTQIA+ community. Are they welcome?

First of all, your student is in the right place. At Village, we welcome all students regardless of their gender identity, sexuality, race, age, or social class, and we are so happy that you’ve chosen to trust us with the mental and physical well-being of your student. We always want to make sure your student is comfortable. If you have any concerns or want to discuss specifics with a leader, email Zach Walker at

How do I determine my child’s grade level in regards to summer programming?

During the summer, we provide separate programming and event opportunities for middle schoolers and high schoolers. Our policy is that a student is always considered to still be in the grade they just completed until they start the next school year. So, your 8th grader (rising 9th grader) would still be considered to be in 8th grade (middle school) for the purposes of summer programming. Shoot us an email if you’re unsure!

At my child’s school, 6th grade is considered to be middle school. Is my child still welcome to come to middle school events?

We follow the policy of the school district within which Village Church is located (Shawnee Mission School District). At Village, middle school includes 7th and 8th grade. Village does offer separate 6th grade programming through Children’s Ministry that is geared towards that age range. You can learn more about our 6th grade programs here, or contact Children & Family Ministries Director Brooke Brundige at for more information.

Who drives students if the youth group is going to be offsite?

A VPC staff member, parent volunteer, or VPC intern will always be the driver of a vehicle carrying students. Our college-age interns always undergo training for driving church vans and sign documentation testifying to their driving record. Your student’s safety is always our highest priority.

Are adult volunteers screened?

We never allow strangers to volunteer with our youth. All adult volunteers are either parents of youth involved in the program or people we’ve known for a significant period of time. Please review our Youth Protection Policy for details. If you have specific questions or concerns, please contact youth minister Rev. Zach Walker directly at

I heard you do bag checks on trips. What does that mean?

Village Youth has a strict illicit substance policy. We strive to maintain an environment that is safe from the influence of drugs, alcohol, and other substances that are illegal for minors, including tobacco products and vape pens. Parents are expected to ensure that their student is not carrying any illicit substances in their belongings before they leave on overnight trips with us. In addition to a parental check, we will also check students’ bags before departure (and on the trip if necessary) through a random lottery-based system. If a student is found carrying or transporting any illicit substances in their belongings, that student will be precluded from joining us on the trip. Additionally, if a student is found to be carrying or using any illicit substances while on a trip, that student will be sent home at the discretion of the leaders and at their parents’ expense. If you have any questions about this policy, please contact Zach at